Thursday, October 11, 2007

Improve Your Home With A Residential Wind Turbine

By Richard Chapo

What if I said you could cut your electric bill by 50
to 90 percent? Well, you can by installing a small,
residential wind turbine on your property.

Improve Your Home With A Residential Wind Turbine

When you combine the cost of fossil fuels with the
pollution and climate problems they create, it can all
get a bit overwhelming. It is easy to find oneself
wondering where to start when dealing with these
problems. Given the state of fear attitude portrayed in
most media, this is hardly a surprise. Surprisingly, the
answers are fairly simple if you wade through the hype.
Wind power is a renewable energy source with a lot going
for it. It produces electricity by converting the
inherent energy in wind through a generator in a wind
turbine. It produces no pollutants of any sort and will
be available to us for as long as wind exists, to wit, a
very long time. Given this fact, you are probably
wondering if you are supposed to build a bunch of
turbines in your yard. Nope!

As a conscientious person, you can do your part for the
environment while saving some serious money on your
utility bill. Residential wind turbines are the answer.
Often given the nickname “small wind”, these turbines
are designed to work on a per home basis. Given the
right conditions, a residential turbine can produce all
of the electricity you need and more. In fact, the
generator will be hooked up to the utility grid and you
can actually sell power to the utility if you produce
more than you need.

Now, the word turbine can be a bit intimidating. When I
think of a turbine, I picture something large and loud.
In the case of small wind, this is not the case. The
machinery makes a bit of noisy, but nothing substantial.
Although sizes vary, your little power producer will be
roughly three to five feet wide from the tip of one
propeller to the other.

The one area where residential wind power may be a
problem involves height. To make electricity, your
turbine needs to get 10 miles an hour of wind. This may
sound like a lot, but it often is not if you go 20 or 30
feet up in the air. To this end, you can do a search for
small wind information to find out the statistics for
your area.

Assuming wind power makes sense for your home, you
should be able to greatly reduce or outright eliminate
your electricity bill.

Rick Chapo is with Visit us to read
more articles on wind power.

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